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Update business information



Update business information


Path Parameters

    business_id stringrequired



    created float

    Timestamp (in seconds) of the business creation

    modified float

    Timestamp (in seconds) of the business last modification. It doesn't take into account changes to the Custom Fields or related objects.

    status stringrequired

    Default value: open

    website_url uri

    The business own website url or the main url of the company.

    facebook_url uri

    Business Facebook page url

    twitter_url uri

    Business twitter page url

    logo_url uri

    Business LOGO URL

    lat double

    Latitude pushed on publishers. Decimals are separated by a dot and not by a comma.

    long double

    Longitude pushed on publishers. Decimals are separated by a dot and not by a comma.

    id stringrequired

    Business id

    code string

    @description The unique store code of the business. If not provided, it will be automatically generated

    org_id number

    The organisation unique identifier. During onboarding, we create an organisation where all your businesses will be aggregated

    group_id number

    The id of the group the business belongs to. An organisation can have multiple groups that contain one or more businesses. A business can belong to only one group.

    name string

    The name of the business (POI) as it will appear on the publishing platforms

    address_full string
    address2 string

    Complement of address. Any additional information that could help better find the business location

    city string

    The city where the business is located

    zipcode string

    Zipcode (or postal code) for the business address. Can be empty if the business' country does not require one.

    region string

    The region where the business is located. Can be empty, it is only useful for some countries like Italy or Spain among others.

    country string

    Business country - In the ISO 3166 alpha2 code format (i.e. use “FR” for France instead of "fr")

    default_lang string

    Business default language - it either corresponds to the country's default language or set as English by default

    description_short string
    description_long string

    A more detailed description of the business. It needs to be in the language of the country where the business is located. For example, if the business is located in London, then the description needs to be in English.

    ⚠️It is limited to 750 characters

    categories string[]

    å A list of category ids mapped to the business. At least one category needs to be provided.

    google_location_id string

    Id of GMB Location to which the business is linked

    google_place_id string

    Unique reference to the business on Google Maps and Google Places, can be used to construct a review URL for example,<google_place_id>

    facebook_page_id string

    Id of Facebook Location to which the business is linked

    national_identification_number string

    The National Identification Number of the business

    It describes a unique number for which the business is registered in a specific country. For example, in France, it's SIRET code or for Ireland it's the CRO



    LOGO uri

    The logo image of the brand. On Google, for example, for businesses that have their basic information (phone number, hours, etc.), the Business Profile will highlight the logo.

    primary uri

    The business's main photo URL. On Google, for example, it represents the cover photo on the top of the profile.

    secondary uri[]

    Additional photos that can highlight the features of the business.

    MENU uri[]

    Photos of the businesses entire menu.


This endpoint lets you access to the information of a business. You need to have WRITE access on this business. Only indicated values are taken into account (it works like a PATCH). You cannot push fields disabled for your org.


    id stringrequired
    status stringrequired