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Get category



Get category


Path Parameters

    category_id anyrequired

Query Parameters

    return_live boolean

    Return the corresponding live category instead of the requested category

    with_names boolean

    Returns an object representing the list of translations in the available languages for the requested category. See example on the right.

    If with_names is true, the translations will appear in the field names

    with_countries boolean

    Returns an array of strings representing the list of country codes in which the requested category is available.

    If with_countries is true, the country list will appear in the field countries

    lang string

    Possible values: [fr, en, es, it, pt-br, de, ar]

    Language to get the category name. If not given, the user's language is used.


This endpoint lets you retrieve the data of a specific category.


    id number

    Category id

    gmb_id string

    Unique category id. This is the id you should pass in business.categories array when creating/updating a business.

    name string

    Category name in given language or user's language



    Category names translated for available languages

    If with_names is true

  • Array [

  • name string

    Translated category name

    lang string

    Available language in the application

  • ]

  • state string

    State of category ( OK or DEPRECATED )

    block_push_long_description_on_gmb boolean

    Boolean indicating if the business long description can be pushed to GMB when the business belongs to this category

    countries string[]

    Array of strings representing the list of country codes in which the category is available

    If with_countries is true

    live_id string

    Live category id to which the category is mapped (deprecated categories are mapped to the closest category).
